
Turk met the love of his life in high school when he took his now wife to senior prom. The two have gone on to get married and have three children together. While in college, Turk worked both uniform and plain clothes security while earning his degree.

Turk began his law enforcement career in 2010 when he was hired by a Sheriff's Office where he obtained his state certification and worked in the jail for two years. After Turk's wife graduated college, the two moved home when he was hired by a local police department where he spent 10 years on patrol. In that time, Turk served on the honor guard, became a certified DRE, was a K9 handler, trained new hires as an FTO, and was a shield operator for the department's SRT.

In 2022, Turk was hired by a new department where he prides himself as a leader in roles like defensive tactics instructor, ALICE instructor, ALERRT instructor, ICAT instructor, Detective, and PIO.

In 2024 he published the book Imposters on the Throne, Warriors in the Shadows: Exposing Poor Leadership During Tough Times which has been ranked as a top 5 best seller.


Swagger is in his 30’s and lives with his wife, four children and the family guard dog. Swagger enjoys spending his time off with family and friends. He spends most of his time at his kids’ sporting events and is an avid sports enthusiast and video game player. Swagger’s background is filled with service. He served in the United States Marine Corps as a Huey and Cobra Helicopter Mechanic. After getting out of the Corps, Swagger returned home to Iowa. For his first three years back in Iowa, Swagger coached high school football at his alma mater. During that time, he met his wife and her two children. Shortly after, he began the endeavor of chasing his dream of becoming a Police Officer. Swagger was hired on at an agency outside of his hometown, which meant his family packed everything up and planted new roots. During his tenure with his first agency Swagger accomplished many goals that he had set out. He obtained several certifications, but the one he is most proud of was becoming a Police Sniper. Prior to being a Police Sniper, Swagger was on the Special Response Team, on both entry and perimeter. Other accomplished special assignments consisted of Multi-Unit Surveillance, Crisis Intervention Team, and Counter Ambush Instructor. Swagger is currently serving as a Corporal at his new agency.


Erika served as a law enforcement officer in the state of Texas for over 14 years which led to her understanding of the unique and often complex issues that arise from serving communities and country, including addiction and trauma.

Since becoming a certified LCSW, LCDC, and the owner and CEO of Warrior Wellness and Recover Initiative, (as well as administrator of Shadows of the Badge), she has helped thousands of active and retired first responders as well as active duty and retired military veterans. She uses evidence-based practices with a unique and holistic approach to healing and she understands the culture and language associated with veteran and first responder communities.

Drawing upon her Native American roots, she incorporates indigenous techniques when appropriate for the client.

Having experienced trauma and addiction personally, she learned that we can DO recover but it often takes hard work, open-mindedness, and willingness. She will be there to support you in your healing journey and to celebrate the WINS!

She caters treatment to the individual to promote the BEST outcomes.


Kenyon is an active Law Enforcement Officer who began his career in Arizona in 2019. He has training in Criminal Interdiction and Interview and Interrogation. He currently works as a Patrol Officer.

In 2022 he began creating Law Enforcement content under the username TasedandConfused utilizing social media as a means to educate and entertain. He first began his social media stint by posting content on TikTok relating personal experiences in the job as well as amusing and relatable anecdotes and trends. He has since amassed more than 170,000 followers on his TasedandConfused account on TikTok and nearly 20,000 on Instagram.

Kenyon has been happily married for 7 years and has two kids.